Monday, August 25, 2008

tarlog-plugins 1.2.1

18 downloads in about a month and one opened defect. I think it's pretty nice for the plugin I wrote for my personal needs and advertised only in this blog.

So now I'm releasing version 1.2.1 of the tarlog-plugins.
It contains the fix to the only defect I got from the outside world and a fix to the defect I opened myself.

Just to remind you the features of the plugin:

  • Open in Command Prompt - opens command prompt from the current file or folder in the Eclipse's Package Explorer/Navigator.

  • Open in Windows Explorer - opens windows explorer with the selection on the current file or folder in the Eclipse's Package Explorer/Navigator.

  • Templates for apache-commons-logging.

I'm working with Eclipse 3.4 and I use this plugin only there. So I'm not quite sure if it will work with the previous versions of Eclipse.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this! It's just what I was looking for.

Tarlog said...

You are welcome ;-)