Sunday, July 20, 2008

Open Command Prompt or Windows Explorer in Eclipse

One of the features I miss in Eclipse is an ability to open Windows Explorer and Command Prompt (like CMD Here) on the current file or folder.
So I decided to implement it myself and here it is.
I gave it a huge name, since I hope to add there some more plugins that I miss, but currently it contains only the above features.


Update: Since this post was written back in 2008, the plugin had some updates. See tarlog-plugins tagged posts.

Recommended Reading

1. Eclipse Rich Client Platform (2nd Edition)
2. Swt/Jface in Action: GUI Design with Eclipse 3.0
3. EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework (2nd Edition)
4. Effective Java


Unknown said...

Are there any installation instructions for this plugin?

Tarlog said...

Put it in plugins folder and restart Eclipse.

AB Kolan said...

Thanks for this.. Nice Work..

sandeep said...

works nice !

One enhancement request - to be able to click on a java package and open an explorer/command prompt and not just on folder.

( I tried on eclipse 3.5)

Tarlog said...

Hi sandeep,

Thank you for your interest!

I'm not sure what you mean by saying "click on a java package".
You're able to click on java package from the Package Explorer and it will open explorer/command prompt.

sandeep said...

I meant the package explorer in Java Browsing Perspective

Tarlog said...

Are you sure it doesn't work?
Because it works for me and I'm using Eclipse 3.5...

(cannot use img tag here)

sandeep said...

I do get the menu item, but clicking that does not show the command prompt of the explorer

Tarlog said...

Which Windows version you use?
I heard about problems with Vista...

sandeep said...

I am using windows xp

Tarlog said...

Strange... do you see any errors in Eclipse log?

Lennart said...

Nice plugin! Simple and works!

Unknown said...

Thanks for plugin!

Hoppke said...

I was looking for that! Thanks :)

Andrew said...

Thanks, just what I was looking for!

Chris said...

Doesn't seem to work on Linux :(

Tarlog said...

@Chris: the windows/dos commands won't work on Linux. Isn't too surprising, right? :)

Matthew said...

Dropped the jar into my plugins directory of Galileo on XP. Nothing showing up under Window->Preferences or when I right click a file.

Tarlog said...

I think last version of plugin is designed to work with Helios. Try upgrading to a newer version of Eclipse or download older version of plugin.

Unknown said...

i am using eclipse 3.6, it worked like a charm.. really cook trick, thanks.
i will recommend this blog to my friends

Unknown said...

i m using eclipse 3.6 and it worked like a charm
thanks for this cool trick..
i will recommend this to my friends